


What is Flexible Office Hysteroscopy?
During a Hysteroscopy, Dr. Simhaee will gently insert an ultra-thin (thinner than the diameter of a pencil), flexible, fiber-optic camera called a Hysteroscope into the uterus through the vagina. This will allow Dr. Simhaee to get a full-color view inside of the uterus and the openings of the fallopian tubes. This is done in a regular office visit and does not require general anesthesia in an operating room. Through Hysteroscopy, Dr. Simhaee can identify any problems originating in the uterus much more efficiently than with a D&C. There are no incisions made during a Hysteroscopy, making the procedure a comfortable one.

Why would I need a Hysteroscopy?

You may be a candidate for Hysteroscopy if you are experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). This may be due to harmless fibroids or polyps in the uterus. AUB is defined as a significant change in your period. For example, increase in your flow, more frequent periods, unexplained spotting, and/or bleeding after menopause. Based on the in-office findings, Dr. Simhaee will work with you to plan a method of treatment that is best for your individual needs.

Another reason for Hysteroscopy is if you have trouble conceiving or suffer from repeated miscarriages. Via Hysteroscopy, Dr. Simhaee can see if you have any adhesions, polyps, or fibroids that may be hindering conception or carrying a pregnancy to full term.

What happens to me during a Hysteroscopy?

During a Hysteroscopy, Dr. Simhaee will check to see if the opening of the cervix needs to be dilated using a special instrument. The hysteroscope is gently inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. Dr. Simhaee will then release a small amount of saline solution into the uterine cavity in order for it to expand. This, as well as the light on the hysteroscope, will enable Dr. Simhaee to see more clearly so that he can carefully check the walls of the uterus and the openings of the fallopian tubes. This procedure takes approximately 10 minutes.

Does this procedure hurt?

This procedure may cause some slight discomfort; most women only feel mild cramping.

Are there any side effects from Hysteroscopy?

Some women experience menstrual-type cramps and bleeding for about 24 hours after their Hysteroscopy procedure. However, this is a safe procedure and complications are rare. Instances of infection, heavy bleeding, and cervical/uterine injury occur in less than 1% of women. Contact Dr. Simhaee if you experience severe abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding, heavy vaginal discharge, or a fever.

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